One day ladies retreat - “Unraveled by Anxiety” .
Irvin Manor is the perfect setting to let go of your worries and replace them with Grace and Truth.
You will not want to miss this retreat if you struggle with anxiety that leaves you with a feeling of being unraveled …
Here you will discover a “Pattern of Supernatural Grace” that will help enable you to untangle your anxiety and show you how you can re-knit(renew) your heart, mind and soul.
Preregistration is $45.
This includes everything for the retreat:
Your Bible Study book “Unraveled by Anxiety”,
all Supplies for workshops,
and dinner (Soup and Salad Bar).
Come Join us at:
Irvin Manor Curwensville, PA
Sunday afternoon, November 12th
2 - 6:00pm
Irvin Manor - Registration Ladies One Day Retreat “Unraveled by Anxiety”
The preregistraion is to ensure we reserve a spot for you at the retreat along with your Bible study workbook, workshop items and supplies.
There is limited space.
Your Bible Study Workbook and supplies will be given to you upon arrival the day of the retreat.