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Wild Flower,
You are Loved!

Wild Flower, You are Loved was created to equip women to Study the Bible. God has placed a desire within my heart to learn, apply and teach others what it looks like to be rooted and nourished in and through God's Word. Encouraging each one to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


My prayer is that you will join me as we learn to love Jesus more, with your whole hearted ~soul and mind ~ in everything, no matter what that is!

I pray that you will be inspired

to live life fully, in a rich, deep

relationship with God the Father, 

through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, being empowered by His Spirit.

Hi! I'm Tammy

I would so enjoy sitting down and chatting with you face to face, study together, pray together, and get to know each other. I would love to ask you, about you!

I pray for you, even though I may not know you.


I am not sure what you would ask about me, but I would tell you that I Love Jesus.

And I love to:

read, study and journal God's Word,

live life with my man, Duane,

ride on our Harley, with my Duane,

spend time with my family, 

drink black coffee (Duane says I am tougher than him, LOL.)

create spaces for wonderful gatherings,

design and craft jewelry,

grow flowers,

watch birds,

read books,

and the highlight of my week is teaching and meeting with  (my ladies) the women's class on Sunday mornings at our local church (practicing Titus 2).


Oh, and I love:

the color ~ yellow (smiley face yellow to be exact)

peace & quiet

stillness & solitude


Love in Christ,




I would not call myself "a writer",  but God has called me to write and design for you in a unique, creative way so that you will be encouraged and inspired to learn the skills you need, to help you daily spend time in the Bible, discovering who God is.


My Testimony:

I placed my faith and trust in Jesus at the very, young age of 4.  I grew up in the church, I am a pastors daughter, I am so thankful for the teaching and love that my parents instilled in my life.

As a teenager, I started teaching Sunday School at our church to 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders (from this is where my love for teaching God's Word flourished). The Summer between 8th and 9th grade I dedicated my life to Jesus around a Friday night campfire. That week at church camp I had purposed in my heart to love Him with every fiber of my being, all my heart, my soul, my mind, my everything ... sure, there have been many times that I have failed and fallen into sinful habits, but know this, our God is a loving patient God, He is always waiting with open arms to forgive. He will never leave or forsake me, and at times He is carrying me, leading me and guiding me through difficult painful times.


I married my high school sweet heart, Duane Wood at the age of 18.  We have been married for 40 years (July 2023). 

We are very proud of our two married children, their spouses and four grandchildren (they make this grandma's heart sing).


Flower Petals
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